Saturday, May 16, 2009

... and past the finish line!

Well, that's it. It's all over now. No more classes, tests, homework, projects. Just preparing for Kenya and the Internship next year, then work as far as the eye can see. ;)

Yeah, there's a lot to look forward to in the coming weeks/months/years, but for now I'm really glad to just rest for a little and reflect on the college life I'm putting behind. I have to say, it's really been an awesome time, as much as I might have complained at the time. I'm really going to miss that life, and especially the people I got to share it with. It's really you guys who made college worth experiencing.

That's all I have for now. I'll be going to Colorado next week, so I'll pretty much be out of touch for a long while, but hopefully I can give some kind of an update about where I'm at afterward.

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