I just got back from a short (i.e. under 24 hour) fundraising seminar for the InterVarsity Internship. I must confess, I'm starting to realize just how little I've tried to get people interested in what the Internship has in store for me versus the Kenya Global Project. I guess people are probably just more likely to talk about that since it is 1. coming up sooner and 2. a little more intriguing since it's such a rarity. Still, this weekend really let me get excited about what the Internship will mean, and I'm really glad about that.
I'm also really glad that I got to hang out with 5 other people who are looking to do the same thing. Of course, none of them will be at UNM with me; there is a guy in Mosoula, a guy in Wachovia, and three girls in Boulder, but it was the first time I've really been able to meet other people who are in the same place I am with IV. As a bit of a hindsight I also realized that it was probably the first time I've been this excited about what I'm doing with the Internship since it's the first time I've actually had to think about it more than Kenya. I'm still not really sure why God wants me at UNM for the next year, but I'm really starting to have a passion for that work next year, even if it's not what God has for me for afterward.
Also, for some reason the trip back home was incredibly relaxing, even though my flight was delayed for about an hour and a half. I think it was a lot of things. For one, I've been doing a lot of worrying lately about school, fundraising, graduation, the future, etc., but I didn't really think about much of that this weekend, which was a very nice change from the past month or so. I've always had kind of a head knowledge that God would get me through this time, but I think I'm finally able to believe with my heart and live as if God will get me through this. Sure, there is still a lot that I need to get done before now and when I leave in June, but God knows that I'll get through it ok, so I don't need to worry about it. What an awesome God I serve!
As a bit of an aside, I realized that my default settings only allowed people who have a Blogger account or something related could comment on my posts. If any of you had wanted to before but couldn't, I apologize. You should be able to now.
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